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The ScoopHow does gut health affect your skin

Part two of a seven-part gut health series

If you’ve ever struggled to solve dull, dry problematic skin, focusing on your digestive health could be the key you’re missing!

At first thought, it may seem that your skin and your digestive system are two completely different things. However, there’s a fascinating connection between the two. Research shows that your gut microbiome plays a large role in what you see on your skin’s surface, and a healthy gut microbiome can help you achieve a beautiful, glowing complexion.

How is the gut microbiome related to skin health?

In part one of our gut health series, we learned that our digestive tract is home to trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help keep us healthy. This microbiome is important for helping us digest food and turning it into nutrients.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. If you’re not getting enough nutrients, or not digesting your food properly due to poor gut health, your skin won’t receive the nutrition it needs—resulting in dull, lackluster skin and other issues like dryness, discoloration and poor tone.

Think of it like a flower growing in a pot of soil—the soil needs to be balanced with the right nutrient levels to help strengthen and support the flower as it blossoms. And, for our skin to be beautiful, radiant, and strong, we need support from the right nutrients and bacterial balance in our gut.

The gut-skin axis

Our gut and our skin have a lot in common. They both act as a barrier to protect us from harmful microorganisms—and just like our gut, our skin has trillions of microorganisms making up its own microbiome.

The microbiomes of the skin and gut work together in a direct connection known as the gut-skin axis.

Researchers have studied the gut-skin axis to find that the condition of your skin is often a great barometer for what’s going on inside your gut.

Your glow comes from your gut

Good skin health should always include a good skincare routine. And if you’re looking for a glowing complexion, you should also boost your gut health.

Following the good gut health tips in part one of this series, which include eating a diet high in fiber and probiotic-rich foods, taking a broad-spectrum probiotic supplement, getting exercise, and supporting your emotional wellness, will improve your gut, keep you feeling good, and provide a lit-from-within glow to your skin.

The gut-skin connection shows us that caring for your skin requires a holistic approach of caring for your overall body.