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This year instead of giving up on your goals two weeks into January, try implementing these easy (and totally do-able) strategies to help you stay on track to find weight-loss success: 

1. Set the right goals 

Step one of any weight-loss resolution is making the resolution itself, and when it comes to losing weight, the right resolution is key. The things you’re thinking about doing in the New Year need to be things you can do every day. So, dig deep to find your true motivation and set goals that are realistic and likely to last. 

If you’re making weight loss your resolution, just because ‘it feels right’, you won’t have the commitment to follow through. So, think about why you truly want to lose weight. For example, maybe you want to have more energy to play with your kids, boost your self-esteem, or be in better shape for your next vacation? Try focusing on your overall wellness and nutrition instead of just your weight and think about what it’s going to take to get you where you want to be. Then
create two or three challenging, but achievable goals. Some ideas include: eating more whole foods, consuming less sugar, cooking regularly, or starting a new exercise plan. 

Also remember that the best goals pass the SMART test, meaning they’re Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Examples include: “I will sign up for and attend two spin classes a week”, “I will eat one fruit or vegetable with every meal”, or “I will make my lunch 4 days a week instead of dining out”.

Pro Tip: Write down your goal and place it on a mirror or refrigerator. Having a physical reminder that you see daily will help you stay motivated and on track. 

2. Plan for success 

Weight loss goals usually take time from your schedule and involve a change to your routine, so it’s important to plan ahead. Schedule time for meal planning & prep, cooking, working out at home, or attending fitness classes at the gym. Planning also helps you make healthier food choices. Don’t wait until you're ravenous (and prone to eating whatever you see first) to decide what you’re going to eat. Make a meal plan and shop in advance to load your fridge with ingredients for healthy meals. It’s also a good idea to stock up on plenty of snacks that align with your weight-loss goals 

3. Plan your cheat foods

Remember, the point of making a weight-loss resolution is to implement healthier habits that will stick in the long term. Rigidly limiting or cutting out the foods you enjoy is not something you can sustain for a long time. Often, you’ll just crave those foods even more, which causes frustration and leads to failure. So don’t beat yourself up for eating your favorite cookies or treats once in a while. Just keep adding more healthy foods and consuming everything in moderation for healthier and more sustainable results. 

4. Snack with purpose 

Be mindful of your meals and snacks. Don’t eat only because you’re stressed, or bored, or because others around you are eating. Instead, stick to your plan, and slow down and savor each bite. The more you pay attention to the food you eat and the way your body feels, the easier it will be to recognize your physical hunger cues and stop when you’re satiated. You can also work to better identify and avoid your personal non-hunger triggers for eating ( like boredom, fatigue,
or even excitement

5. Move more

Along with healthier eating habits, exercising is key to long-term weight management (and we’re not only talking about high-intensity cardio sessions at the gym). For someone just starting out, any increase in your activity level is beneficial. Look for exercises that you enjoy and are easy to fit into your daily life—take the stairs, go on a walk or bike ride, or try some workout videos at home. Every little thing adds up. 

6. Hydrate 

Drinking water is essential for good health, and it plays a key role in your weight-loss goals. Water helps you feel full, it’s a natural appetite suppressant, it increases your ability to burn fat, and helps remove waste from your body. Make sure you’re getting plenty of water. A good rule of thumb is 6–8 glasses per day, but the recommended amount can fluctuate based on factors like activity level or climate, so research to find what works best for you. 

7. Find a support system 

Studies have shown that when we tell people what we’re setting out to achieve, we’re far more likely to achieve it. So, tell people about your goals. Explain what you’re going to do, why it’s important to you, and how you’re going to do it. You can also share your progress along the way. Often, friends and family members will want to join in with you, and even if they don’t, receiving positive vibes from people who care about you can take you a long way. They can offer support and advice, help hold you accountable, and help you stay on track. 

8. Track your progress 

Daily tracking has a positive influence on your thoughts—crossing things off a list feels good, and journaling helps you to stay on track with your goals. Use a daily tracker and each day, take a few minutes to jot down what you ate, how you moved, and how your body felt as a result. You can also include notes about things like the dishes you loved, new recipes you tried, cravings you had, soreness you felt, or challenges you overcame. Recording your habits and feelings will help show you exactly where you are on your journey, help hold you accountable, and help you determine the best next steps going forward. 

9. Don’t miss out on micronutrients 

Don’t get so caught up thinking about carbs and fats that you forget to pay attention to the micronutrients your body needs like calcium, iron, essential vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc. Taking supplements can help make your nutrition plan complete and support your weight loss goals by helping you stay healthy.  

10. Be consistent 

It’s important to remember that you’re striving for a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. If you’re not seeing immediate results, or if you happen to fall off your schedule, don’t feel discouraged or let go of your plan—it takes time to build new habits. If you expect perfection, it won’t last. Remember everyone struggles with motivation from time to time, but the longer you stick with something, the easier it becomes. Try not to miss two days in a row, do the best you can and don’t give up! 

Looking for a program that provides daily activities, a supportive community, and the necessary supplements to boost energy, curb cravings, and improves gut health? Check out our New Year’s Challenge!

Make 2023 the year you stay on track to find weight-loss success.